Wednesday, 30 November 2016

About 15-20 years ago, Search Engine optimization only targeted one single thing: to get a website of any nature or sort on the first page results. However today, things have changed. Today’s optimization process has multiple goals and the highest quality web marketing and optimizing companies who you can find in the listings For Best SEO Services Company In Sharjah have so much more to offer. Let’s see how today’s methods of optimization differs and what are the main novelties when it comes to the work of experienced and up to date Digital Marketing companies. 


The early years of manipulation

Back in the day in the Nineties and 2000s, when the whole internet was young and search engines have just started to become a thing to be used with more frequency. Search Engine Optimization was just a small branch within Marketing. An extra tool to provide further push for websites, or web links to be more specific, because once a client paid, it really didn’t matter much what their website contained or was all about apart from only a handful of main concepts. As search engines were just catching up to learn how to deal with this copious amounts of data, a good coder could apply a ton of manipulative techniques including limitless spamming, creating web circles with websites without any specific content and push websites which only served as doorways to be in the first page results. And for a while, it worked. 

The battle starts
Things have slowly started to change from around 2010 when Google has started its cutting down on spammy sites and practices which ended up totally jeopardizing the whole concept of searching something to find meaningful results. Google caught up step by step and its algorithm weapons have started their work. Panda and now Penguin is doing a very powerful job in taking any ranking from all the websites which aren’t worthy of having it and cutting down on all the spam which was really flooding search results from left, right and center. Today’s guidelines are very strict in stating what qualities a website can and cannot have. 

The rebirth

Today’s optimization process means a 180 degree change from what it used to be in the past. Now, it rather resembles a sort of an entrance exam process for pages, which have to have tons of attributes, serving as credentials to prove to the search engine that they are worthy of being on the first page search results. 

This also means that the science of optimization had to also change and grow with the heightened requirements and by today, it’s proud to state that it has successfully separated itself from its older brother marketing to carry on as a single set of unique toolkit on its own right.  Today’s optimization is a real strategy, implemented by professionals with experience in the field. Also, educational courses also start focusing on specific search engine and quality boosting methods. 

If you want to learn more on how optimizing functions today and how much boost it can give for your website, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of the best accomplished SEO professionals in your area with the assistance of high profile listings For Best Seo Services Company in Sharjah.

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