Thursday, 15 February 2018

Search engines work on complicated ‘Algorithms’. These algorithms might seem impenetrable or undecodable. That’s true upto some extent because Search Engines ( Google, Bing, Yahoo ) don’t provide these mathematical algorithms. Even the best SEO companies cannot tell you about the Algorithms which are used to improve ranking of a website. Today i am going to explain how can you get insight of these Search Engines. 
Actually these search engines themselves provide sneak peek into how to get better results and increase traffic. Almost 65% Search Engine market is covered by Google and 23% market is covered by Yahoo. Today we are going to discuss- ‘How to get into Google Rank algorithm’. Here are some points which help you to understand how Google search engine works.

* While making your website, one must focus on making a website with connected link. These links should be crystal clear. So that when ‘Crawlers’ enter into your website, they don’t get stuck in loophole. They can move from one page to another page easily. Provide a single static link so that every page is visible.

* Try to make content for Users. Because when you make content for SEO, crawlers track this and degrade the ranking of the website. Deceiving your users can be harmful. Uploading such content for SEO and displaying other content to users, is called ‘Cloaking’. 

* Write a content which is useful and have sufficient information in it. Try to use proper Keywords in order to get better ranking. Content should be rich and clear so that it can describe your topic to users more effectively. Mention the keyword in your title and heading also. Because crawlers read them first and index them.

* Don’t put the text inside the images which you want to be indexed. If your are doing so then do mention ALT tag, so that crawlers can understand what is there in image. Try that your content should not be buried under flash pages or any other rich media. Because search engine can only read HTML text and they easily give up if content is hidden.

* Try to create rich link building. Do not refer to the site or blog which you don’t trust on. These spam pages can affect your website. In the case of ‘Backlink’ write your content on popular and quality pages. Writing on poor pages affects your ranking. Link should be clear so that crawlers can pass through them. 

So these are some vital points mentioned by all search engines which help you to improve Ranking of your website. Many people actually trying to figure out what ‘Rank Algorithm’ actually is and some people has blamed google for degrading their rank ( None of them has won ). If you have to get better Rank then you will have to work on your content. These algorithms do not support any black hat tactics. Even SEO vendors accepts that only way to go higher, is via content. These vendors focus on writing such valuable content so that they can top on the pages of search engine.

As we see google and other search engines have upper hand in this business, we have to think from their perspective. They want us to create a website which is user friendly, not Search Engine friendly. Search Engines are updating according to the need of people. What people want, what they are looking for, as per their requirement, Search Engines change their algorithms. It is all for the betterment of a user. I guess now you know how you can write a rich content keeping Search Engine process in mind and achieve better position.

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Thursday, 8 February 2018

Content plays a very important role in the overall success. It has now become must to add a blog page in the online business site. This really helps in boosting the rank of the site to the top of search result page. But, this again highly depends on the relevance and quality of the content. Some of the best SEO companies in Miami are prominent in delivering high in quality blogs for their clients. It can be seen from their work record that their clients have been highly benefited from the quality rich blogs.

In this blog post, I have mentioned some of the tips to make your content highly rich in quality. So, let’s get on with it.

1. Write original.
It is very important to write the original content. The  Copycat thing isn’t going to do any work in this area. In fact, posting things just by copying from some places will make things worse. The users might find you not genuine and this will seriously pose a threat to your success.

2. Write fresh.
Again, it’s very important to write the fresh content. Readers should find that every time they visit your blog page, they find something new, something interesting. So, it’s very important to write on stuff which are new to people in your niche, or you can just write about something that is out of the box as well as relevant.

3. Use good language.
For a high-quality content, it is very important to use a good piece of language. Many times, writers use language which doesn’t seem good enough to attract the user. Therefore, it is very important to use language that lets you connect with the user. The key tip is to use little a bit of humor so as to make the user’s experience on the site good.

4. Add images.
Another way to improve your content’s quality is to add images to it. Users find it really amazing when they find images, that are high in quality and relevance, in your blog. Sometimes these images can just be amusing ones so as to make the content little bit humorous.

5. Write to serve.
This is the major point where most of the writers go wrong and therefore miss out on various huge opportunities! Many writers have an agenda in their mind and that is to earn from the blogs. Although it’s not wrong to monetize your blog, that should not be the only motive behind the writing. You should always thrive to serve your audience in the best way possible. Research your niche, see what is it that you can offer to your audience the best. It’s the intentions that make a content rich!

The importance of a content cannot be underestimated. Many beginners often fall into honeytraps like “marketing is the king”, “ get popular once and everything will be taken care of itself”. But, this is not true. Content has always ruled the game. If it is not good enough then any amount of marketing will be useless. Even the top SEO companies in California believe that make your content good and everything will automatically fall into its place. These tips have been tested and proven right by many writers. So, use them and make your content rich!  

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

A blog will live as long as it will have visitors. As soon as the visitor’s rate will decline, the blog will also tend to its “death”. I have come across many bloggers who say that their blogs which once used to earn them huge profits are now hardly receiving any visitors. Some of the SEO companies in Ahmedabad say that a blog’s visitor’s rate will start falling with the decline in the search result page rank. Hence, to bring your old dead blog back to its life will require it to come back on the top position of the search result page.

In this blog post, I have mentioned some of the major tricks that will help you in reviving your old blog. Let’s get started with it.

1. First things first: do keyword research, again!
It is very true that the keywords you used earlier were the best of choice. And that is why your blog once ruled the Internet. But, the fact is that is not doing it now, not anymore. Reason? Well, it’s no more on the top of the search result. Again reason? Those keywords aren’t effective anymore. So, you need to do the relevant keyword research again to sit on the throne, again!

2. Re-write the content.
It is obvious that the content has also gone obsolete with the keywords. In all this time, there must have been too much change in the concerned field. So, in order to go back on the top, you need to update the content. This might also mean re-writing the content.

3. Do the URL makeover.
As the URL played a crucial role in taking your site to the apex point, it also has a lot to offer this time also. So, you need to do a “URL makeover”. Insert the new keywords in the URL. this will definitely help in boosting the rank.

4. Update your meta-tags and meta-descriptions.
It is obvious that the meta-tags and descriptions which you used earlier would be obsolete and of very little use now. So, you need to update them with new and fresh ones.

5. Add new images.
If you haven’t added any images in your old post then this is the time that you do it. You can find various new and fresh images that relate much to the current market scenarios. Using these new images will give a new life to your old blog.

When it comes to reviving an old blog, lots of things come into play. Some of the top SEO companies in Pune are expert in the deeper technicalities which are necessary to give a new life to an old and dead blog. For those who want to do this task on their own and do not have a good command of the technical aspects, they can count on the tips and tricks mentioned in this blog.

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The blog is as good as its effectiveness and its effectiveness can be understood from the extent of its impact on the user. The more effective a blog will be, more will be the chances of it attracting users. It’s not new to hear that the blogs have become an integral part of the online business. Yet, there are many bloggers who have the complaint of not getting enough views. The answer lies in the fact that most of the blogs are not search engine optimized. This reduces their effectiveness to draw visitors to the site. Therefore, it is very important to enhance the blog’s effectiveness. The top SEO companies in Ahmedabad are well-known for writing highly effective blogs which are SEO friendly and attracts a good amount of visitors.

In this blog post, I have mentioned some of the tips to boost a blog’s effectiveness. So, let’s get started with it.

1. Define your content plan.
It is very important to start your blog with a plan. Various constraints should be clear in mind like target audience, customer demands, your skill utilization, company’s vision. A blog without any plan is like a traveler without any destination in mind. He might roam here and there, but will not be able to reach the correct destination. Just like it, a plan-less blog will not be able to reach the correct set of audience, therefore, failing to be effective.

2. Promote it in the right place.
Creating a good will be as good as a bad blog if not promoted in a right place. With right place, I mean the place where the potential customer will be high in number. Promoting the blog on the right platforms will obviously make people know about the blog and therefore, the visitor rate will also hike. So, do justice to a good blog by promoting it on a good platform.

3. Make timeless content.
Many bloggers write blogs which are a great success in the beginning but as the time passes, its glory starts fading. After a certain period of time, the blog is no longer effective. The key to overcoming this situation is to write the blogs on topics or a content which is evergreen. It should pass the test of time. Evergreen blogs are those blogs which will always be related to the evergreen need of people, like “ how to write SEO friendly blog?”, “ how to make use of social media for SEO?”. These type of blogs are always searched the most, regardless of the time.

4. Infographics do magic!
The effectiveness of a blog also depends upon the fact that how easily it can be understood by the reader. And nothing else but infographics works well in making a reader understand the content in a very limited amount of words. Do use infographics in your blog to make your blog easy-to-understand and also good enough to lure the visitors.

No doubt, blogs are important assets when it comes to online business. But, more often, many people fail to make full use of this asset. Even if some of them use it, they do it in the wrong way. Some of the best SEO companies in Pune have the top class bloggers which work to deliver highly effective blog. These companies have a strong point of belief that quality should always reign the quantity. These tips which are mentioned above are some of the golden tips to enhance the effectiveness of blogs. As long as a blog is effective, it will attract the user and therefore, help in generating revenues. So, use these tips and watch your blogs getting visitors like never before.
With the increase in the craze of the social media, all new businesses are looking towards it to grow their business popularity. Every new budding entrepreneur tries to make as much as possible from the social media. This is the reason why there are so many people on Instagram who promote their business. Instagram is one social media platform which is growing at a very fast speed. Its popularity and followers have out grown those of Facebook. But, due to growing popularity, many beginners fall into various traps. They commit some very common mistakes which affect the business badly. Some of the best SEO companies in Bhopal provide the guideline on how to manage the social media marketing without falling into pits.

Here, in this blog, I have mentioned some of the common mistakes which most of the beginners make while marketing through social media.

1. Wrong selection of the audience.
This is one of the biggest pitfalls of all. Many beginners think that by marketing their product to any of the audience will be helpful. But in reality, it is not so. You have to select the right set of people to showcase your product or services.

2. Don’t just post anything!
Posting anything, without checking its relevance will not take you anywhere. It is very necessary to post only those stuff which is useful to the audience.

3.  Not staying connected.
Your audience needs to hear from you on a regular basis. If you will not be active on social media, then don’t expect your audience to show interest in your campaign. You need to post relevant posts on a regular basis. Make a timetable about how you are going to manage the posting schedule.

4. Posting in excess!
Everything is good in its limits. Overdoing anything is as good as doing nothing. Posting feeds in excess will annoy your audience and they may retract from following you. Know how much is too much. You need to offer only that much of it that they can chew. More than that will cause you harm.

5. Making fake followers.
Many business owners try to make fake followers so as to project themselves as famous and popular among the crowd. This is a very stupid move. As soon as the public will come to know about it, your “success” will come down like stumbling blocks.

Many newbies misunderstand the concept of marketing. They often learn some bit from here, some from there and try to implement in their business. It is important to understand that not all strategies work for all. I know some of the top SEO companies in Bangalore whose prime focus is to develop best of the class marketing strategies and deliver the quality result to their clients. These companies teach a lot of the loopholes which are left in the strategies. Beginners are more prone to these dangers and therefore this blog will definitely help them in acknowledging these faults and correct them as soon as possible.

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