Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Here in this article you will get information about main segments of the process that happens right before a website becomes live. This is a chain of multiple actions, tons of check-ups and it can serve you learn how this whole thing works and what Edmonton SEO services have to pay the largest attention to.

First of all, designers will set up the frame which works basically like a template; it will serve as the spine of the whole page. Then step by step the setting up of pages, their order and exact placement and ordering of premiere and subordinate pages will happen.  An extra attention has to be focused on the home-page, which often also serves as a direct landing page for many companies, it must be impressive and persuasive enough for viewers to stay. 

In each and every phase the opinion of the customer has to be asked and the designer has to be prepared to re-adjust widths and other settings from time to time to achieve the best results.

Always make sure to do enough speed tests: 

What is very important is to non-stop test all the pages, how they look, how they load (loading speed check-up is extremely important, especially if any Flash or large images / video files are used on a particular page) the implementation of all texts, images, videos and then going through the post implementation checklist to see if everything works as expected.

What the pre-implementation checklist needs to include:

•    Total loading speed
•    Pages’ loading speed
•    Do all the pages show up as intended?
•    Do all the tabs react as intended?
•    Do all the pages have the clean link address how they were originally set?
•    Does the homepage work as intended with the entire download, subscription and other functionalities in place?
•    Does the website work the same from all the relevant browsers? (Specifically Chrome and Safari). If not, what the reasons are for that? Most users don’t like the “unsupported browser message “so, make sure this is not the issue.
•    Do all tabs show and work as intended also from mobile devices?
•    Do all the external applications (follow icons for instance) react as intended?
•    Does the landing page (if it will exist) work fine and can it be closed without issues? Will it ever affect the total loading process and time?
•    In case the website will be migrated to another domain the 301 and 404 pages have to be set up for the old domain to be properly transferring traffic to the new website.

Of course, when an error happens they need to be checked on and corrected right away before the page goes live because there reputation is very important in every business.

So, all in all this is what I had to say about the implementation process and I hope I could provide you with some insight to how these things work. All the bigger Edmonton SEO services today deal with web design or re-design and if you feel you might need one have your website checked and analyzed to see what can be improved and how.

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