Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Every day we wake up and do certain things which are in our habit. Our motivation is one important aspect which keeps the daily routine going. We all know that there are various types of motivation, and if you understand what exactly keeps you motivated and what are the things that help you to stay motivated then the motivation level can be higher. According to the best SEO company manager, motivation is extremely important for people today. It will help you to motivate the others around you as well. Here we will discuss about two kinds of motivation Intrinsic & Extrinsic :


It is a kind of motivation which concerns doing something because that is personally benefiting for you. However, a person who is motivated intrinsically, his/her behavior is likely to be motivated by their desire from within to engage into something for their own personal happiness.


This motivation engages people into something because they want to be successful/earn a reward or they want to avoid getting a punishment. Being extrinsically motivated involves an external force that runs upon a person’s mind and makes him do something that might help him earn a reward.

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN -  Intrinsic & Extrinsic

These are two different kinds of motivation, and we cannot really judge them by saying that either of them is good or bad. Many people think that being intrinsically motivated is good and extrinsic motivation is bad for them. When a person works at a certain place and is assigned a task, he does it with all his energy just because he wants to earn praises of his boss, that is being extrinsically motivated. A boy who is a student in school, wishes to learn a foreign language so that he will be graded in a better way, that is also being extrinsically motivated. How can we assume it to be bad then ? You just need to find out why are you and your team motivated to do certain things, and you must encourage both the kinds of motivation equally.


According to a recent study, if people are praised they are motivated instrinsically. It is found that when children were giving positive feedbacks, they excelled in their education. But when the same children are praised regularly and when it becomes too much, there motivation levels fall out. That is the reason why you must not praise them too much and that will keep them motivated the same way.


In some cases, some people are just not motivated internally, and for them extrinsic motivation is necessary. This kind of a motivation can be used to get the tasks done. Moreover, extrinsic motivation and rewards can promote interest and skills in a person who never wanted to do this task on the first place. This is human nature that when they are rewarded and praised they get motivated and they learn new skills also. But as per studies, if too many rewards are given for skills and activities, it can lead to decrease in the extrinsic motivation in people. It however leads to over justification effect.

More info : 10seos

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