Monday, 22 February 2016

“Building a site without SEO is like building a road without direction”. Truely said, isn’t it? Millions of business owners or website owners are in this dilemma that despite of a well designed website why are they not able to attract better traffic? Why is their website stagnant or stuck in the throng of other similar websites? So the reason is simple and sure that they are still deprived of this online marketing technique which has now become the biggest promotional tool for the companies to rank their sites on top and have the maximum viewers.

What is search engine optimization(SEO).
  1. Search Engine Optimization is the online marketing technique in which the ranking of your site is improved such that it falls in the top results of the organic search results of the search engine. 
  2. Many users who prefer internet for searching any information they never go to the second page of Google as they get the useful information in the top ten results only.
  3. So if your site is not on the first page of any search engine then it is not going to give you any profit or popularity.
  4. Search engines use two techniques :
            crawling : In this technique the search engine covers the entire site.
            Indexing : Search engine gets the pages in the index of search engine.
Hence there are some steps or techniques which SEO provides to fulfill the requirements of the search engines.

 Different Types of SEO Practices :

As now we have understood what SEO is so let us throw some light on how these seo firms carry out this process. What are the actual practices?

White Hat SEO -
  • White Hat SEO means a technique in which the ranking of your site is improved       maintaining its integrity and following the guidelines of the search engine legally.
  • This technique includes providing a quality content which is related to your website.
  • Using relevant keywords and keyword rich meta tags.
  • Giving backlinks such that users are directed to such sites where they can get more knowledge.
  • Use enough links such that users can return back to your site  and are not stuck on the other site only. 

Black Hat SEO :
  • Black Hat seo means a technique in which illegal methods are used to rank the website on top without following the protocols of the search engine.
  • If you are new in this field then beware of such firms which follow such techniques which say that they can rank your site on top tomorrow only.
  • This technique includes using hidden content which means using stuffed keywords within the code of the site which are not visible to the end user.
  • Using doorway or gateway pages which redirect the search engine to those fake pages which are stuffed with content and keywords.
  • Link Farming technique is used sometimes which is highly risky because link farms are free pages which have a list of unrelated websites. This can ban your site in the search engine results.

Grey Hat SEO :
  • Grey Hat technique is that in which the procedure used is technically legal but is not so perfect like white hat  seo techniques. These can some day fall in black hat seo category.
  • SEO squatting is the major process in which expired domains are bought and then added with some content and backlinks to your site.
  • Redesigning the website is another trick as it makes google feel that the website is up to date even if the content is old.
  • Using unassociated keywords to fool the bots of search engine and make them think that they are associated is one more technique of grey hat seo.
  • Spun content usage is  also one of the method of grey hat seo in which the same content from some other website is used only changing some of the keywords so that the search engine cannot understand.
These were some of the practices used in performing seo of the websites. All the techniques have their own value but white hat technique is the most recommended one as it will always give long lasting results.

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