Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Whenever we see Google doodles, a certain curiosity, certain joy creeps in which give us a sense of relativity, make us think that imperfections can look good too. Doodles are not only a visual treat but they also make us realize that to demonstrate your thoughts, you need not be creative. You just need to have the courage to draw your heart out. Many SEO services Company are using these doodles in the content to make it more shareable. In fact, the doodles are more popular than the ‘perfect’ pictures. Let us know the reasons why you should use doodles in your content right away.

    No skills Required: Aren’t we all fed up of the ‘skills required’ criteria. We do not have any graphic designing skills but we are creative at heart and we are creative at mind. Well, such creativity may not work at any other place, but for designing doodles, you exactly need these two creativities only. You just need to make up your mind and pick up a pen to draw.

    Easy to implement: Since we are only drawing what is in our minds, so it becomes easy to design a doodle. There are no rules, no confusion, no second thoughts and no regulations. So, designing doodles is an easy-peasy task.

    Connects better: Most of the audiences that you are targeting, do not have the talent to draw a perfect picture. When they see something like they create in their own minds, they instantly get connected with the idea. Connected audiences imply better relationship which means long term customers.

    Gets the job done: Doodles do what they are supposed to do. They can be prepared in less time, there is no code of conduct and thus, they get the job done. A professional picture may take some time for designing, then their size is to be adjusted keeping the visibility and then they are uploaded. Doodle do the same job as professional pictures, just with lesser time for preparation.

    Remains in memory for longer: Visuals appeal to the brain better than text and thus brain can retain them for a longer period of time. Doodles are so simple and convincing that they get absorbed by the brain faster and remains in memory longer. Our intention is to be remembered by audiences for good reasons and doodles seem to be doing that well enough.

Now, we hope that you get the importance of doodles and your very next post would contain funny, informative, expressive and creative doodles. If you are a blogger, inspire people to doodle at their homes, if you are an SEO services Company, tell your clients the same. It is not essential that you doodle only for professional writings and blogs. Today adults are becoming less expressive and keep things to themselves, doodles are the perfect way to break that wall and convey what is in the mind. Now no one would say that they cannot draw because everybody can doodle.

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