Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Google is working really hard in making its search process based on artificial intelligence completely. Boston SEO company reported that recently in South Korea a Google based AI AlphaGo competed against a human being in the 2500 year old strategy game, Go. This game is supposed to be played a more or less like chess in today’s era. The most surprising fact about this event was that Google’s AlphaGo won four out five matchups hence creating the significance of AI.

How did it happen?

Reports from Wired say that AlphaGo specifically depends on deep neural network. These networks are of hardware and software that copy the web of neurons in the human brain. These neural nets help it to learn tasks by analyzing huge amount of digital data.

The complexity of this AI has made SEOs all over the world land into deep discussion. This is somehow a bad news for them because these neural nets used by Google are not just to beat Koreans at board games, but they are using these neural nets to make their search results more efficient.

When will Google completely shift its search to sentient search?

Many scientists and experts from SEO San Jose say that humans are different from animals because of language. Language is that unique part which differentiates animals and humans. Comprehending human speech is that greatest goal behind development of AI. Still these search engines are unable to acquire it completely.

Google is working towards Natural Language Processing everyday. It is governing the largest network on the planet adding on or the other new update everyday. To make the search engine understand the intent of users Google has created algorithms to achieve it. To push its NLP efforts forward it is using neural net technology.

As Google is working hard to bring your search results more effectively Apple is also giving a tough competition in this run.

The Turing Test:

Gizmodo reported that Siri is not well equipped to help you with your mental health problems. There are many situations which clearly state that till now these search engine giants have not been able to crack the secret to AI.

The AI geeks remember Alan Turing for his contribution of the turing test. This test is based on the method of determining whether a computer can think like a human being or not. If a computer really manages to pass the Turing Test and convince a human that it’s a fellow living which breathes and talks then that machine can fairly be called Artificial Intelligence, with a capital AI.

Releases April 2016 Rankings for 10 Best SEO Companies Working Globally:- http://www.prweb.com/releases/2016/04/prweb13310225.htm

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