Monday, 16 May 2016

Today user has become the primary focus of every search engine hence companies like China SEO are striving for those strategies which focus on the users first. Here are few ways in which you can optimize the content of your website according to the humans also:

1.Think according to your user:

Once you research about your audience you will understand their needs and intentions. This  will help you with your keyword strategy and content creation. Doing a thorough research will even help you so you to provide the best information for your prospects as well as the respective search engine.

2.No keyword keyword stuffing:

This is an old suggestion but still the companies are using it. Keyword stuffing is no more useful infact it can let your website bounce from the search engine. Your content should be in a flow without the excessive and doubtful use of keywords.

3.SEO basics:

SEO basics include mostly the on page SEO like the title, HTML code, meta description, H1 tags, URLs and the body of your content. If you are a business owner and have your online website then you might be familiar with all the tactics.

4.Provide the accurate content:

If you lure your users with innovative headlines but they did not find that content much impressive or false then you might fall into the bad user user experience. Every heading, meta description and the keywords should provide the same thing which is promised.

5.Avoid information overload:

To avoid content fatigue for your users you should give them that content that is easy to digest. You can provide your users with a readable form of content by :

    Avoiding  large blocks of content.

    Using bullets and numbering.

    Use H2 or H3 tags as subheadings to make the content easier to read.

    Bold or italicize words and key phrases to highlight the point.

6.Content should flow naturally:

Once you have decided all the techniques, come up with the natural flow of content. SEO Beijing states that there should not be any glitches or duplicate text which can break the natural way in which your content is going.

Keywords and keyword variations should go naturally throughout the body of the text. In this way the content will be appealing and easy to read. Even the links used will help to guide users to other pages of your site and crawlers will also find it easy to crawl.

These were some of the effective content marketing strategies through optimization which will focus more on your users. Search engines need to be impressed but the users should be your highest priority.

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