Friday, 17 June 2016

To make your website profitable and celebrated, it is essential that your website should return the visitors. And for this, the content on your website should create an immense impact on people. But this is not enough, there are other factors too that one should consider and one of them is the domain name.
We can make you realize the importance of your domain name with an example:
Have you ever found an article, which you like the most and sudden the next day you forgot the website where you found that? Of course, you have! You try to find the article on Google, but no results.
Obviously, you don’t want this to happen with your website. And to make this not happen, you must have an unforgettable domain name, so choose an excellent name for your brand. But how?
You’ll find the answer in this post. Just scroll down and read further:
Tactics to Create Unforgettable Domain Name
1. Keep the name short & simple
When it comes to remembering anything, seven stands as the magic number.
As per the research by popular George A. Miller, people can reliably remember about seven things at a time, give it a shot!
Even SEO South Jakarta is following this notion for their domain name.
But how it relates to you?
If you’ll use few words in your domain name, then people are likely to remember your domain name easily. And if you put more than five words, then its difficult for people to remember. So, fewer words are better. Alongside, don’t make it complex, your short domain name should be blended with simple words.
2. Add Emotions
This is our tendency, that when we experience strong emotions, we are more likely to remember those moments.
If you ask any American, that where were they on 9/11, they can tell you instantly, but if you ask them where they were on 20th October 2010, I bet they can’t tell you, for that matter this can relate to any other date.
Yeah we understand, that you want your brand to be associated with positive emotions and fortunately, positive moments are more tend to be memorable. And to reflect this fact into your name, you need to add some terms that evoke strong emotions when anyone read it. For example, you can use words like awe-inspiring, uplifting, and satisfying.
3. Ascribe the Existing Memories
The best way to remember something is to ascribe that with any old memory that you have not forgotten. This is considered as the basis of the memory place technique.
What does it have to do with your domain name?
Well, you can attach your domain name with those old memories that people have already solidified. This can be simple for you as you are just asked to include a familiar name with your domain name or in official terms, hooking your domain name with an existing concept.
By doing so, people can quickly identify your site and remember it. SEO North Jakarta follows the same concept for their domain name.
For more updates on digital marketing, stay tuned with 10seos!

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