Monday, 13 June 2016

According to the experts of SEO Company uk, Individuals who aspire to become business owners have some set skills and qualities like a good financial background, no debt, expert skills, great passion and amazing personality which always talk on behalf of an employer rather than an employee.

However, many of them get stuck with never ending jobs. This may sound a little weird to those who have always been business owners, but those who are either preparing for a free life or can’t move out of their salaried life would find these words very familiar.

That is the reason why I am making this strange but quite an apt comparison between a salary addict and a drug addict. Also, to further highlight this point, I would like to say that I think ‘Salaries jobs are like crack cocaine’.

In case you are still thinking about the statement I just made, let me give you some food in the form of points to understand it properly.

1.         Drugs make you high and so as salary checks.
According to science, reward center is that part of our brain which gets almost equally affecting while taking a drug or while getting a salary check.
Hence, every time you get your pay, you feel the same satisfaction level which you obtain on consuming any kind of drugs.

2. The reward center gets addicted to a regular supply.
The part of your brain which constitutes reward center gets addicted to the regular supplements like drugs and money.
When you take drugs on a regular basis, and suddenly your stocks finishes without providing you with any kind of backup, you start feeling very restless.
A similar thing happens with the brain when you suddenly stop receiving your monthly salary checks.
This restlessness makes you feel very scared of leaving your job and ultimately you get stuck with it in a long run.
Hence, if you are planning to start something of your own by leaving your job, the very first thing that will prepare you for this step is to stop depending on your paychecks completely. This will ultimately help you to reduce your intense feeling of worry.

3. You start weaving the life around your drug
The life of a drug addict is often controlled by the drugs. His entire schedule, personal life, social life and even professional life gets totally controlled under the influence of drugs.
Similarly, if you have totally depended on salary, then your complete life will go under its influence. It will again take priority over your schedule, personal life, social life and even professional life.
This will ultimately leave you feeling very dissatisfied with your life in the long run.

4. If the drug is suddenly deleted from your life, you go highly impatient.
In case the drug addict has to live without drug even for a single day, he goes highly impatient. He might also feel very depressed and disturbed.
A similar thing happens to a salary addict when he suddenly stops getting his salary checks. You don’t feel any particular thing physically, but mentally your mind is messed with many thoughts and feelings.

In The End.

This is how your life gets into metaphorical prison bars that make us feel trapped if you are salary addict.
So if you want to enjoy the little joy of your life with the full freedom that would only be possible without the control of a salary.
The experts of SEO Company Birmingham further says that “The only person who can kick out the bad habit of salaried employment and help you become the master of your own destiny is you.”
Hence, manage it if you really want to become a successfully business owner in the future.

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