Monday, 25 July 2016

People working in industry, are using link shorteners for quite some time. According to SEO South Jakarta industry, the marketers are gaining more importance through shortening their too long and complicated links of Google. Talking about social media, it is quite common to use shortened URLs instead of pasting those never-ending URLs.

There are two link shorteners, which people commonly use such as Bitly and Google link shorteners that help you in confining your URLs and also make them easier to access.

First of all, let’s understand why shortening the links are very beneficial for the websites:

1. Short & Less Complicated Links Looks Better

This is quite a fact, that shorter links look much better than those complicated, never-ending links. Thus, the available link shorteners convert your complicated long URLs into shorter ones. If you are mentioning your blog’s link anywhere then there is no need to paste the whole long line of sophisticated words.

2. Helps in Analytics

Link shortening services also lead you to a personalized dashboard with lots of data about your links.

3. QR Codes

The link shortening service provided by Google also provide you the facility of generating QR codes of shortened links, to be scanned on mobile phones.

How to Use Google Link Shortener?

This is as simple task as any other. You just need to go to and paste the entire link in the provided tab and then click on the button saying ‘shorten URL’. And you are done with the process. The tool will get you the shortened URL.

It is said that Google link shortener is not that effective as the Bitly link shortener and hence most of the people use Bitly. This is because Bitly link shortener provides more tools and analytics as compared to Google.

Why people prefer Bitly over Google?

    It adds a custom ending to your link.

    It creates bundles of email marketing lists

    You can even see the top performing shortened links.

    Better analysis of links clicks.

    Set links as private or public.

    Add notes and edit links.

    Integrate with other services.

    Bitly link shortener is also a Chrome Extension

By using Bitly, you can also change the name of your link. The experts from SEO Company Indonesia state that you can give the name of your brand in the link and hence it will look and people will understand that what this link contains before clicking.

If you have shared that complicated long link with your audience, then you will not be able to find the number of clicks on your link, but once you have shortened it, you can easily find out the number of clicks on that link. This is how Bitly stands as a useful tool.

There are many people, who still not aware of link shortening process. If you are a business owner or a marketer and you don’t know about link shortening process and it means you are losing many of your potential opportunities. Try this new feature because short links work amazingly.

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1 comment:

  1. Did you know that you can shorten your links with Shortest and make $$$ from every visit to your short links.


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