Thursday, 27 October 2016

Have you ever walked over to the crowd in the street just to find out what is going on and what were they all looking at ? Have you ever stayed longer and later to know that if something exciting happened when you weren’t there. This happens because of FOMO i.e Fear of Missing out. It’s the fear that whatever is happening in our life, we might be missing out on something “better” that may (or may not) be happening instead.  

It was found in a survey that 56% of social media users are afraid of missing out on news, events and important status updates if they are not touch with social media.

FOMO is applicable to purchasing decisions also. Brand know this very well so they tailor advertising and marketing strategies in the way that it intentionally leads consumers to feel ‘missed out’ or ‘disadvantage’ without their products.

Apple is great example of a brand that continuously using FOMO to its advantage. They begin drumming up excitement long before the product launch.

Off course it’s easy for brands like Apple who spend million dollars in advertising their products to drum up mass excitement and fear of missing out on their latest release.

But for the rest, it’s little trickier. Los angeles seo experts shares some ways through which you can leverage FOMO in your content marketing and use it to increase conversions.

•    Utilize content upgrades

A content upgrade technique generates fear of missing out because the reader has already spend a lot of time into the content – they want the full information so that nothing is missed out but part of it is being held back, so now you can offer the extension of the content in exchange of something that you want - email address or money(occasionally) .
•    Create your content, but hold back enough of information that you can provide your readers into the extended post who wants to get more information
•    “Sell” your readers an additional tip. This can work, if you sell it right. For example, you may offer six awesome tips, but hold back your ‘top secret’ tip that increased conversion by 1,000%.
•    Offer an additional complementary comprehensive guide on how to implement the ideas or tips featured in the article.

•    Leverage Exclusivity

A couple of now very successful sites initially launched on an invite-only basis such as PInterest , Google+. There can be a number of reasons, a site might choose to launch to a limited audience. Beta testing can be a reason, often issues with sites are not uncovered during the testing phase, initially roll out a site to a very limited audience, so that potential issues can be discovered and fixed before becoming a free-for-all.

However the more important reason to leverage exclusivity is to drive interest and fear of missing out. Executed correctly, limiting the availability of something -could mean a product, or even a piece of content makes it all the more desirable.

Often brands offline use this by releasing limited number of products or selling products for a limited amount of time.

This works because consumers either want to get experience of an exclusive – and potentially valuable – product, (service or content) or they want to try a limited, new version of their favorite product before its production run ends.
When you release a new piece of content, you can also attach a time limit , make it available for a very short time (say, 2 days), being sure to mention and highlight this fact when you promote it. A few weeks after the limited release, republish the content.

•    Re- engage Idle readers

It may happen sometimes that a reader will be impressed with your content and sign up for the mailing list but never open your mails and return to your site. In that case with a cleverly-worded email you can strike the fear of missing out and re-engage them with your email, content  and site.  
Every month or so, send an email to inactive subscribers asking them to confirm if they still want to receive emails. Make sure that you state them what they may miss out on if they unsubscribe, and warn them that remaining quiet will get them out the list.

•    Craft FOMO into your titles or subject lines

You content(or email) headlines play a major role. If you want them to be read or or want them to lead to action you can incorporate FOMO to your headlines. For instance you can emphasize on limited time offer ‘40% OFF - Only for today’, or highlight what someone might lose if they don’t click - “Your Competitors Doubled Their Conversion Rates – Know How You Can Too”.

•    Use FOMO to enhance product pages

Craft FOMO into your product page content  or even at the checkout stage  by displaying (low) product numbers and/or anxiety-inducing timers. Additionally you can enhance your page copy by detailing what visitors stand to lose if they do not convert here.

You can introduce FOMO in your all digital marketing campaigns if needed to enhance the conversion rates and traffic. Working with local seo company los angeles will provide you more tactics and techniques to increase conversions and ROI at your site.

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