Wednesday, 5 October 2016

In this section we would like to touch on some aspects of Local optimization’s finest tool today: the My Business which is part of the huge Google Empire. If you have a local business, brace yourself now, because this is definitely an important part of your future. 

What we represent are the key factors that show and define your business rating online. Needless to say, it’s the best rated, which show up among the first local search results. You will need a professional SEO companies Brazil to make this happen for your business.

This list also clearly shows all the information you need to work on and work very hard, in order to be among the top rated one among all the others providing a service similar to yours. Let’s see these points once again from a closer aspect:

Rating depends on the reviews your business gets online. The place you collect positive reviews should be your My Business profile. There has been talks over the past few years that Google will in the future place key importance on Plus and all its related applications especially when it comes to ranking. Therefore it’s a double importance now, to have a good rank. The good thing about this system is, that unlike overall site ranks, this is an actual data you can see. You can a clear picture on where you stand.

Number of stars
The number of start has a straight correlation with your rating. The current system makes this similar to hotel ranking systems and similarly, it goes up to 5 stars. As the number of stars is the very first thing users will take a look at as its showing a pretty straightforward picture, be sure to always stay on 4 stars otherwise people can lose interest in your company.

Anyone who has ever tried to lead any online queries, questionnaires, polls knows that it’s hard to make people to do anything online. This is exactly the same when it comes to reviews (except when they are bad ones. All sorts of analytics show that people are at least double as willing to write down their opinions on a service when it turns out to be bad, than when the service was actually fair or even better. This is human nature. This means you need to kindly, nicely and politely make your good customers say a few good words about you. This is crucial in terms of success online.

A few words on Google + Local:

This is something I get to see many times online during my search in order to represent you more aspects on SEO specifics. After a while however I came to two conclusions: 

•This service does not exist any longer under that specific name
•Its present name is the My Business or simply the + when it comes to anything else than business

All the experienced and accomplished Digital Marketing companies which have a separate Local SEO companies Brazil can tell you how important this is; My Business ratings bring extremely high number of direct customers. So, learn about it and have it worked on, to bring the best out of your business.

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