Saturday, 15 October 2016

Business Owners often find themselves in a situation where they either needs to love what is available with them or they have to leave that available thing totally. When it comes to business, it becomes a crucial point where we have to choose either thing among available choices. There is no mid way solution to these situations.

Similarly, when we hire an online marketing agency, it becomes difficult for us to trust the agency. But it is our necessity to have atleast one marketing agency to promote our own brand. Therefore it becomes difficult to dive into the pool of online agencies and select the best out of it.

According to a study conducted by the Top SEO Agencies of India, it was found that many companies are dissatisfied with their current agency. Infact, according to the Agency Management Institute, “50 percent of the companies that outsource their online marketing have changed their agencies atleast once in the last two years”.

It is a saying that instead of adopting or hiring a new agency in whole, it is better to fix the problems with the current agency. Therefore, in this article below I will provide you with some tips to build a productive relationship with your online marketing agency.

1.    Expectation: Your Blueprint to Success

Expectations are like the blueprint for your working relationship. If well-constructed and well-communicated, they keep you and your agency on the same page, working to achieve the same things.

Top SEO Agencies in India are trying to establish good expectations with the online marketing agencies, which are working for them as a outsource. Good expectation here are inclusive of: 1)Clear, 2) Achievable, and 3) Agreed upon.

●    Clear Expectations:

Clear Expectations here refers to meeting goals of a brand in a given amount of time.
If you have well-defined, measurable goals for your agency, then they have something to shoot for and you have a reliable way to gauge their performance.

Of course, you could have the world’s most perfect, specific goal, and it wouldn’t do you any good if you failed to communicate it to your agency.

“Clear expectations need to be communicated clearly”.

●    Achievable Expectations:

Companies often choose to outsource agencies because it is an unfamiliar area and they cannot afford to handle this themselves. This same lack of familiarity can lead to confusion about what online marketing can and can’t do, leading to years of frustration as one agency after another fails to meet an impossible standard.

How can you ever be sure that your expectations are realistic if you’re not an expert? Then, ask an expert !

Sit with your account manager and have a talk about your budget, your timeline and your plans for growth. Together, you should be able to come up with goals that will be both aggressive and achievable.

●    Agreed Upon Expectations: 

If your agency doesn’t seems to be on track with your expectations, then it’s important to communicate your frustrations before taking any decision. May be, after sharing your frustration or grievance with your manager, you get a reasonable answer to your query which may satisfy you.

There are times when you’ve done everything you can to clear up your expectations and priorities, and discussed your conflicts and the agency still insists on pushing their own agenda. In this situation, remember, you’re the customer and it’s your account. If your agency simply refuses to play ball, it might be time to go find someone else to play with.

2.    People problems: Remodeling your relationship

The good news is, these troubles aren’t necessarily permanent.

If you feel like personality conflicts are at the root of your problems, requesting a new account manager can be a simple but effective way to remodel your working relationship. Chances are, your account manager won’t mind the change either. If you thought they were annoying, the feeling was probably mutual.

Changing account managers isn’t always a sure-fire fix, but it’s usually worth a try, since it’s a lot easier to change your point of contact than to go shopping for a brand new agency.

3.    Red flags

There are some problems, which are different from mere personality conflicts. If your online marketing agency exhibits any of following red flag behaviours, then you surely need to look up into the matter:
a.    Make promises it can’t keep!
b.    Fails to report on the status of your account!
c.    Provides you misleading information!
d.    Lose you money through inept choices!
e.    Refuses to adjust according to need of your business!

4.    Dealing With Change

When you own a home, sometimes you love your house, but the community around you changes. It's not something you had control over, but it can make staying in your current situation difficult.

The same thing can happen in business. Budgets get cut, executive priorities change, mergers take place and markets vary there are lots of reasons why your old standby agency just might not work for you anymore.

Similarly, if your business has undergone changes that affect your online marketing agency, it’s worth talking over these changes with them. A flexible agency may be able to change your contract to better suit your new needs. Even if this isn’t an option, they may be able to point you in the direction of another high quality agency that would be a better match.

★    Signs that your agency relationship needs a remodel:

1.    Unclear, unachievable or undiscussed expectations
2.    Personality conflicts
3.    Poor communication

★    Signs that you need a new agency:

1.    Deception or other red flag behaviors
2.    Refusal to work with your reasonable expectations
3.    Large changes in your business

So, if you are not satisfied with your current online marketing agency, you should then either love it or leave it. Many SEO service providers are considering these aforesaid ways to either accept or ignore a particular online marketing agency.

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