Friday, 21 October 2016

Long time ago the sole meaning of optimization was to get a website on the first SERP (search engine result page) no matter what. This has culminated in a long lasting, bloody and desperate competition by the end of which whatever someone looked for, they got tons of spammy sites on the first page: most of which didn’t even have anything to do with the keyword at all! This is exactly why search engines, led by Google have started to work on implementing some effective measures to turn all the spammy sites off. This has lasted several years to achieve but today, if you are looking for something it is extremely rare to find a spammy site and this tells a lot on the effectiveness of Google’s Penguin algorithm tool.

The criteria:
This is exactly the tool that is moving alongside a long list of criteria today, which a website has to suit. Today’s search engine crawlers ( the bots which would be triggered by keywords and start looking and scanning websites to find out which ones are the best fit for the users’ search)  have hard work to do:

They do not only have to look through the content, the link the structuring but they also must define that the content is rich enough, the weblink is fine enough and the page is easy to guide around and this is just the start of the process they must go through , to properly index a website or a web page.

Needless to say, if there is one error anywhere, that makes the crawler stop or halt it will leave the website and will not index it in any ways. This doesn’t sound as bad as it is in reality. But if someone wants visibility for their website and a good ranking, it’s a real drama if their website is not indexed.

The issues: 
I think the biggest issues of search engine optimization practice of SEO services Perth is, that noone really knows what that is and even if they do, those move along the lines of old-time practices, most if not all of which are considered a big „no-no” in the practice today. Business owners need to be informed on why in real it’s important to have their websites optimized or even re-branded and what changes this process can bring for them whether or not they decide to combine the benefits with the paid tools of marketing for a more targeted boost in the future. Although the toolkits of these two work together, they are not to be confused: marketing is the direct seller, SEO only makes a website easy to be found and become best ranked in the search results.

As most business owners are not yet clear on what SEO means and how it can help and affect their business online that’s exactly why I suggest everyone to look for the best SEO services Perth who do not only help their clients but also have seminars and other training where they help clients learn about the importance of SEO.

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