Tuesday, 15 November 2016

This time around I’d like to write about pay per click campaigns and how it connects with Search Engine Optimization performed by today’s digital marketing companies. While PPC is an activity every business is offered to do by themselves with the help of easy-to-use apps such as the famous AdWords, there are many reasons why it’s better to leave it to the professional Consulting for Magneto SEO Services in The Hague at least in the beginning. 

What is Pay per Click?

This is a specific advertising system that builds on the pay –per –action model which means that each time someone clicks on the featured ad that will deduct a certain amount of money from the total budget that’s assigned to the campaign.  The whole process looks easy to do via AdWords. Let’s see how it looks like:

•    The website needs to be connected with the application and also Analytics
•    You will need to concentrate on your keywords, related to your business and offer. These are according to which the ads would appear. Pay attention not to apply too many keywords or your ad may be considered too spammy.  – This is where this whole process connects with optimization. The application actually has a great keyword finder tool which you can use irrespectively from you wanting to continue to the actual ad area or not.
•    You will need to word your ad. This is where marketing experience kicks in. This needs to have the keywords, has to look inviting and persuasive in the same time.
•    You will need to setup a budget for your ads. This highly depends on how much you would like to spend per ad. This is another point where a Digital marketing company can really help you but AdWords would also show you what the average bids per ad are. This way, you can decide if you want to bid higher to gain advantage, or if you want page quality and the search engine to decide if your ad and site is worth more in quality to be featured.
•    You finish the transaction via payment.
•    AdWords will let you know when your money is done and gone. 

Less than a few years ago, we could see a lot more ads while searching but search engines today cut back on featuring paid ads because they want to concentrate on the organic, natural ranking according to page structure, quality, relevance and popularity.

If it’s done correctly with the participation of a professional, then Pay per click can really propel your business to great heights of popularity. The key to the whole process is, to choose the right keywords, to choose the best bidding amounts, to have your page properly optimized and to make sure, your business is prepared to handle the heightened traffic you are receiving thanks to the campaign.

Setting up a marketing strategy takes time and lots of research. This is also why , despite the fact you can get to do it by yourself, getting professional Consulting for Magneto SEO Services in The Hague set it all up for you will not only save you tons of efforts, you can also learn a lot from how they approach the whole process. 

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