Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Link-building is one of my favorite topics when it comes to Search Engine Optimization professionally done by Best SEO Services Companies in Berlin, not only because it requires meticulous work and a very specific expertise from an expert but also because this is a segment that will always remain less talked about. The reason for that simply is, that most people cannot really put this practice in any category. So, let me try to help you to understand how this works, why it’s good for your site. In the next chapter I will also introduce you to some of the unfair or illegal practices one shouldn’t do when it comes to networking this way.

What is it about? 
Organic connection building is like networking or making friends. It can be supported but can never be pushed or forced on to someone. And according to the main guidelines, a page ranks well when it can gather enough organic interest to its content. This means, that the website has such a good, unique, alone standing content that other sites, hopefully higher ranked ones will start to talk about it, mention it or even quote it with an anchor text.  As per the large search engines, if a page has a large number of these quotes and mentions, then its content is all the more important if not authoritative. Therefore it will gain a better ranking too. Today this is one of the most important criteria and the fact that there are still only few professionals who can do it very well, makes it all the more important.  In today’s 10 point list of ranking factors, a webpage having a high number of worthy connection counts as the second most important quality a web page should have. 

It’s organic

This is a very important word and attribute to emphasize. Many people simply don’t understand the methodology because they have it on the same page with building ads and promotions (paid ones). While the former is optimization the latter is definitely marketing and this is where their core difference would absolutely show. Gaining links is not about paid ads. If one wants paid ads and promotions, they can do it, but on the conditions on getting the nofollow snippet (for the crawlers not to index these or rank them) plus anything paid advertising has the “Promotion” written on the page. While promotion is good and can serve a business well, it’s inherently different from the process we are talking about this time around. 

In order for you to make sure your online networking is in the right place, you need to get your backlinks checked too. If your site is mentioned by spammy sites, that can do badly for your rankings.

In order to gain good connections for your site, you ought to find Best SEO Services Companies in Berlin that have a specialization in connection building. But once you do, you will see it’s well worth it and your website will thank you for it big time too.

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