Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Have you ever thought that what is the most simple, yet effective technique to write a great email? It is the most basic email etiquettes!

Think of this way, when someone read your email, do you want to take away the core message of email or want your prospect to misinterpret your message only because, you avoid the basic etiquettes of the email. Your email has the major impact on your client, and prospect and taking a glance at your email, they make an instant thought that whether they want to accept your sales proposal or not.

Send a sloppy email, and you are not far away from the communication blunder, send a well written email, you are a step more close to achieve success.

Here’s few of the most simple yet effective email etiquettes to help you instead of hurting you at your work. Let’s take a look:

Punctuation And Grammar

Just think of the moment, when you put a semicolon at a place and all your core message just got change to something which you never intend to convey!

Check out the most effective punctuation tips to get your deal close to you

Quotation marks “ “

Well we all know when to use these quotation marks, but this is one of the most common mistake that usually most of the people do. They forget to realise that the period and comma go inside the quotation marks.

For instance,   His new music “The Voice of Soul”, releases tomorrow.

His new music “The Voice of Soul,” releases tomorrow. 

Parenthesis ()

Most of the people usually commit this common mistake that they keep the period and comma inside the parenthesis, rather than keeping it outside.

For instance,   I got my salary yesterday (Rs. 40,000.)

        I got my salary yesterday (Rs. 40,000).

Semicolon ;

Most of the people forget while using semicolon while writing the email that it is used to connect two unique sentences, but that has to be related with each other.

 For instance,   You can call me in the evening, you can answer me that time.

         You can call me in the evening; you can answer me that time.


In the world of social media, where lol, omg, gtg, keeping the grammar in the side is ok. But while writing a formal email, even the best email marketing companies commits the following mistakes of avoiding these grammatical errors.


Do remember to use the most standard smiley while writing the formal email, that is , :)

Subject Lines

Use the short subject line which describes the core content of your email to the reader so that they can know the purpose of your email.

Font and Formatting

Font size

It is always recommendable to stick to the standard size font. While writing the formal email to your clients or prospects, make sure to avoid including the fancy font.

Font color

The most standard color to include in your formal email is to use the black color with the hex code #00000. Stick to keep your message simple and avoid focusing on the fancy formatting.


Instead of including a long hyperlink in your email, try to keep your hyperlink short.

For instance, instead of writing click on this link

Consider writing like read on full article by clicking here

These few are the most simple, yet effective email etiquettes which works even more better than the seo software link building technique, that mostly, many of the people forgets to follow, and which ultimately leaves a negative reply on the mind of prospect or client. Which of the trick helps you to write effectual email. Do share us in the comment section below!

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