Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Many people thinks that email marketing is a matter of earlier years, but according to the research conducted by Local Seo Company In Atlanta, they have concluded that email marketing has grown up their value more than any other approach, from past few years.
And the reason is even more shocking! It is because mobile technology has mould all the latest trend and direct all the traffic towards it.
Since more and more people are using mobile technology, therefore no matter where they go, they are now connecting with their inboxes almost 24 hours a day. The value of email marketing in the world of mobile technology can be broken into three major factors:

Everyone loves bargain
Sending your targeted audience promotional emails is a great way to drive more user engagement. If there is any popular festival holidays around, nothing would work best then. That is the time when customers show more interest to buy any product and email’s call act as the tip while making decision to make a purchase.
Customers usually attracts with those emails which offers them certain discount or special offers, since getting the promotional emails help them to make shopping decision.
While executing it properly during the shopping season, online retailers can drive more conversions by offering users with attractive deals, offers and discounts.

People are too busy to go out for shop
seo company chicago found that most of the people do their christmas shopping in just one day. The only reason for that is they found online shopping much convenient and easy. Many people made their purchases on whichever device is available to them when they search for any specific product.
Eventually, online shopping has now become more as trend to make a purchase of their desired products conveniently. People from the age group of 27 years to 45 years old are more likely to buy things online.

Mobile phones has reinvigorate email
Almost all of us view email at least 50 times in a day. According to a recent studies, almost 34% of the total conversion comes from mobile devices. Since many people are opening the promotional emails by using their mobile phone, this allows many retailers to experience higher conversions. Undoubtedly the perfect blend of mobile as well as email marketing has been delivering the promotional messages effectively and efficiently.

Nowadays, many brands are looking to have a relevant and message which leaves a positive impacts on individual customers through their compelling content. If implemented properly, the email marketing could deliver the right message to the right kind of targeted audience at the right time by making use of the right channel

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