Thursday, 26 October 2017

Even though we all are quite aware of the fact that events are an essential part of PR, but we cannot say that everything revolves around them, they are “just” a part of it. There are a lot of people who want to make a career into Public Relations just because they have a degree or diploma associated with it. Various SEO Agencies, but their talent is counted more than a degree. There are even Public Relation professionals working with But don’t you think being a PR professional, a person has to be experienced and competent also. Below are a few words of advice for all those who decide to jump into the PR field  :
1. Rise Above Allurement- If you think that handling PR is all about attending a lot of glamorous events, then you are highly mistaken because events are for sure a part of PR but they are just a part of it. Even though you are handling a party for a millionaire client, you will have to look after the media for the entire time the party is on. You cannot just get over with your work after inviting the media, you also need to look after everything that goes on during the event. Sometimes there are issues in the parties because of too much alcohol consumption, so to avoid that you need to be receptive at all times.
2. Content Is King- When you want to be into a PR profile then your job is much more than just being presentable. In case you are presentable and you cannot really write well, then there can be a problem. Whenever the PR agencies hire a PR person, they always conduct a writing test, because content is king and this definitely cannot be avoided. A Press Release is something we all are familiar with and that it is related to PR profile but we also need to concentrate upon the profiles of spokesperson, talking points of spokesperson for any conference, stories and post for website. If you really want to get selected for a job profile in a PR agency, then just avoid copy pasting material from the internet, because that make them disinterested in you.

3. Be Prepared For Anything And Everything-  Being into PR you cannot expect work for some particular duration, and it is just not a 9to5 kind of a job. You need to well prepared for anything that is going to happen next, it might be an early morning flight that you need to catch without a prior intimation, or a late night party which is probably going to end around 5AM in the morning. So you must be prepared and keep your bags packed.

4. Weekends Can Be Working For You- There is no point making a plan with a friend for the weekend who works as PR professional because he will be mostly busy on the weekends for the events that he needs to cover. Managing events and being responsible for the best coverage, both are not two easy tasks, and a PR person needs to be on his toes always when the event is happening. Afterall he is going to appreciated by his boss and the client if the event is a success. 

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