Monday, 22 February 2016

EO or Search Engine Optimization is a platform which helps you to rank higher on search engine result pages by the implementation of certain techniques.

Your higher rank on pages like Yahoo/MSN/Google/Bing etc. is an indication of more traffic on your site
 On-Page SEO & Off-Page SEO are the two different categories of SEO. On-Page SEO includes things that can be done on your website to help you rank higher.

Off-Page SEO include things which can be done directly to help you rank higher, such as social networking, article submission, forum & blog marketing, etc.

Some of the On-Page Search Engine Optimisation are as follows:

1. Page Titles
Page title is the most crucial SEO factor for your site. The uniqueness of the title should contain the main keywords for that page. This helps to keep your page among the topmost search results online.

2. Meta Descriptions
The relevant keywords for your post should always be included under meta descriptions. When your page is listed, these descriptions will play an important role to instigate your search online.

3. Meta Tags
Relevant set of keywords can be put in the form of meta tags. This will further work as a catalyst in improving the search result.

4. URL Structure
In order to acquire better traffic for your website, you should include search engine friendly URLs. URLSs which are shorter in length and include target keywords performs better in search engine results.

5. Body Tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.)
The content creates a better image if it is written using short sentences and small paragraph in place of long sentences and big paragraphs. These breakdowns or section of the content can be titled separately by using H1, H2, H3, H4 etc. tags. This also helps in improving a better understanding of the content among general public.

According to the number given to hashtags, H1 is generally used to give title to the main page and other H tags for the subsequent headings. Different keyword rich headings can be given to H title tags according to their priority.

6. Keyword Density
Where proper use of keywords increases your search results, overuse of keywords for search engine robots may lead to your site being banned from search engines.
Keywords should be present around 2-5% in the entire content. However, you can use the synonyms to depict the same meaning of the sentence.

7. Image SEO
Someone has truly said that ‘an image speaks louder than 1000 words’. Try to make your site visually as appealing as possible to attract viewers.
Treat the title of all the downloaded images same as your page title. Include relevant keywords and proper description with images to make them more useful and available on SEO.

8. Internal Linking
Using proper internal links not just make your website easier to navigate but also assure that your site is getting properly visible on each search. It is a very helpful weapon for SEO arsenal.  By relating your website with relevant keywords, it is also useful in increasing the Google Page Rank. Content links and Permanent navigation links are very helpful in improving your internal blinking system. 
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1 comment:

  1. Stellar SEO is a leading search marketing agency specializing in local and organic SEO. Working with us means more leads and sales for your business.


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