Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Websites have that tab on them starting ‘rate us,’ when the clients click on it they have some reviews to give. Do you think these reviews are always genuine or should you follow these reviews always? There are times when the clients are your good friends and they hesitate to rate you bad when it comes to rating you because they actually think that you are not doing so good. They might think that you will feel bad or it might affect your relationship.

These quantitative feedbacks have a lot to say but are they true or not, you have to find out.

Here are some reasons which might prevent your clients from giving you the correct rating:

1.Truth is hidden:

There are your clients who think that you are not as good as you expect they think according to a local SEO company. They are your good friends and hence do not want to hurt your relationship with them. This leads to false ranking by them to you. They might rank you high according to your work ability.

2.They might not give you a 5 out of 5:

Whenever you will ask that why they have not rated you 5 then they will simply say that nobody is perfect. They will talk to people about your company glowingly but when the time of rating comes they will give you 4. On the other hand there are some clients who might rate you 5 always and deviate only if there are some serious problems. So, always understand the personal bias.

3.Confidentiality matters:

Clients are also afraid of the fact that their identity might be revealed when they rate or review. So, they do not come up with negative aspects and remain casual. They say that they do not want to mess up with the agencies in any way. Many clients have reported that it affects their scores when it is about confidentiality.

4.Time is a big factor:

There are times when your client is not happy with you or vice versa. The relationship between the client and the provider keeps on fluctuating with time. So, when you ask for rating then that rating might depend on the point of time, strategies, people around, creative, delivery etc.

5.Some clients are not serious:

Many clients consider that providing feedback is just another task and it should be finished as quickly as possible. So, they just provide random feedbacks and want to get rid of it. In this hurry they provide any rating which is not genuine.

6.Optional feedbacks:

According to Kansas SEO company optional feedbacks are very important because they help you to know about more engaged clients rather than those who are not interested. Optional feedbacks are mostly given by those who are either very angry or very happy with your performance.

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