Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Google Trends is like a boon for those who like to be up to date. But not only news and quick searches it is now being used for enhancing the organic search of your site. According to SEO company Kansas this tool is more a topic of discussion because  it is powered by Google which is the most powerful search engine in the world.

Google Trends always gives you an deep insight into a great amount of valuable search data and analytics, which can be very beneficial for your business if used properly.

Here are some descriptive reasons that why Google trends is so useful for you:

The first and most obvious use for Google trends is discovering trending topics. I can be compared to an online newspaper where people can read the daily news easily.

As soon as you land on the page of Google Trends you see the the latest news and headlines in front of you.

  • Trending Now : This section of Google Trends presents real-time data of  all the trending topics that have the highest search volume. You can filter the results by country and by different categories like business, politics, cities, entertainment, lifestyle and so on.

  • Top Charts: Top Charts highlights all  those topics which have the highest search volume during certain periods of time. They are also sorted by categories and topics like actors, books, business people, cars, games, movies, music, people, politics and many others.

  • Google Zeitgeist: Google releases a video accompanied by data at the end of each year. This video is about the most trending topics of the year.

  • Analyse data: The other use of Google Trends is for analyzing data. Whether you are a blogger,or any, business owner or anyone else reaching out to people, this is the best place where you can analyze the interests of your audience & clients.

  • Business of your product: Once you get an idea of the product categories, you can refine your search even more by clicking on a particular result provided by Google trends. This will tell which products are most commonly searched for.

  • Hot Trends:  It is similar in a way to to trending news where you can manage anything on the internet using Google Alerts. Here you will be getting weekly emails of top trends as unlike Google alerts.

  • Full screen experience: According to Houston SEO company this is the coolest feature on Google Trends. This feature allows you to view up to 25 trending topics consistently in a beautiful way. They will keep on trending and it can be used to showcase it at your reception.

Embed trending topics: If you’d like to embed specific data from Google trends then it can be done by clicking on the embed button <> and then embedding the html code into your website.

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1 comment:

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