Thursday, 9 June 2016

Slowly and gradually most of the entrepreneurs are originating as bloggers and they are earning well just by showcasing their uniqueness through their blogs. According to SEO company Memphis not only bloggers but businesses have also found their ways through blogging and social media.

Here are some ways in which you can also come up with your own business and convert your blog and become a digital influencer:

1.You should have a strategy first:

People think that just writing few lines and collecting images and videos will be enough to start with a blog and they can earn money through this. They are wrong as blogging is not that simple. You should have a strategy in creating it. One strategy which you can use is the analytics tool on blog and social media. From this tool you can determine what type of content is shared and liked the most so that you can start producing that type of content. Another way which you can use is studying the image titles of the articles so that you can understand that where this article is focused more.

2.Content is not a game of few seconds:

If you think that you can write a content within five minutes of your own words and publish it without any research then do you expect something good from that? Do you think you will be admired? Of course no, the sites who have the maximum followers do not stop the work only in five minutes they research well and go to the core of the topic. They travel and capture pictures and edit it using various apps. You cannot publish a content until and unless it does not have a wow factor.

3.Be original:

Originality wins everywhere and so it will in the digital space. What you need to focus on is that if you do not want people to know about your life or culture you can always shift to different aspect which is not common. As you have seen that almost all the famous bloggers have this common where they depict some scenarios from their own life. Your audience will follow you only if you provide them something different which they do not get from other blogs.

4.You need to collaborate:

Do not think that you will be the superstar in one day. According to the SEO company los angeles This is the work of years to see difference in your results. You cannot work alone you need to make collaborations. The best thing which you can do is start giving your articles and images for free to different magazines and newspapers and just ask them to give credits. In this way people will come to know about you and you will gain followers.

5. Hire Interns:

As you see a rise in your traffic you should hire an intern who can help you in managing your content slowly. This way you can become an editor rather than a blogger. Teach your interns about the way of writing and let them take the role.

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1 comment:

  1. Did you know you can create short urls with OUO and make dollars for every visit to your shortened links.


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