Thursday, 21 July 2016

An online advertising campaign for your company is the major task for you. As it is critical it turns out to be hectic and more confusing. Sometimes you are jumbled up in the cobwebs of ideas presented to you by your team and are not able to decide what step to take further.

According to SEO services San Diego the biggest challenge which your campaign has to face is the customers. Mostly people do not like the online ads which suddenly pop up on their screen or cover some important content, to avoid this people install many ad blockers which prevent the ads from appearing on your screen. This leads to less clicks and your campaign can fail too.

To make your ad banner ad more effective and irresistible for your customers you need to follow some of the tips below:

1.First comes the size of your ad:

It should not be so big that it alone occupies the whole screen, nor it should be so small that it is invisible. Google Adsense has ranked some of the best performing ad sizes:

Leader board - 728x90

Half-Page - 300x600

Large Rectangle - 336x280

Medium Rectangle - 300x250

Large Mobile Banner - 320x100

The size which works for you will depend on your target and design. Some ads need more vertical space, some need more horizontal space, some might need a more balanced look and some might need a single strip. You need to decide which one will work the best for you.

2.There is an hierarchy:

If you will notice the ads of big brands you will find an hierarchy. The first comes the logo of the brand, it should be on top as it represents the company and the user should see it immediately.

The second thing should be the buzz which is created by the ad. Words like ‘free trail, ‘free offer are enough to create that sensation. So, you should also make use of such words which will catch the attention at once.

The third comes the call to action where people can click to buy. It means the force which will ultimately drive the people to make a purchase or at least view the scheme completely.

Tools are enough:

To create an effective banner ad the first thing which would have struck your mind is hiring a graphic designer or outsourcing. There is no need to do that. You can do it yourself without any expensive software. There are many tools available online which can help you to create attractive banner ads. Tools like Banner Snack provide many amazing features to design a great banner ad.

Keep it simple:

Your ads are a doorway to let people in your store. They do not like overcrowded ads where everything is messed up and  difficult to understand. Placing too much in small borders will give no outcome. So, keep your ads simple and stupid, make them funny, crazy and put your offers on the top. Let people know about your store in a simple way.

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1 comment:

  1. If you are looking for a good contextual advertising network, I suggest that you check out ExoClick.


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