Monday, 19 September 2016

When it comes to understanding your customers better, you try almost everything possible from gathering resources to mapping customer experience journey. For every marketer in the industry, big data is just like gold mine of information which only requires a bit of digging to get to the real treasure. The best SEO company of Las Vegas relies much on the big data, because it helps to know better about their customers.It is okay to be in favour of big data, but totally relying upon it can be problematic for the marketer at the next stage. Relying too much has its own drawbacks and for a better understanding of the customers, the experience might go on the opposite site. Here are a few side effects of using big data :

    Lack of Availability -  For instance, when we want to buy something online, a footwear for that matter, we keep scrolling until we find the best pair of our choice, and as soon as we find one we try to order them, but sometimes they are backordered, and that is what makes a customer frustrated to the core. The customer even tries to make queries over the issue and tries his best to get in touch with the site representative but when nothing works, he gives up in frustration. These are the limitations that big data has, and it has the power to irritate a person to the extreme level. The only problem here is that the big data is just poured over by analytic experts, instead they should make it available at every tier in the organization.

    Judgement and Unrealistic Expectations -  The over growing impact of big data can prove out to be complex, impossible to predict , complicated and frustrating to implement. Big data is changing the way we market, and it can soon be blown out of proportion into something which it is not. THere are those people also who are drowning up in analytics, and they are so swallowed up by data that they have become hesitant to make any decisions without consulting the numbers. They have stopped relying on their “gut feelings” and intuitions because the data does not account for that.

    Data Modeling Problems - There are a lot of ways to handle the big data noise, but many data models are unable to organize data in a sensible way, and are not able to scale accordingly. Therefore, currently there is no user-friendly  and easily implementable data modeling system. The challenge for today’s modeling apps  is to make the data accessible to to everyone and that is a tough task.

To conclude, the goal is to make every customer exceedingly satisfied. For that we need to plan out a strategy and work together on a common goal. The big data tends to change everything in a very short duration, and everything means all that we know about our audiences.

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