Wednesday, 30 November 2016

The whole science and toolkit of Search Engine and creating of the whole optimization process was made for one sole thing: to enable people find what they are looking for.  As the core of optimization is to position content according to specific words so that it would be enlisted among the Top 10 search results and be featured among the first page search results. In this chapter we will take a closer look on the keywords, their role in optimization and how SEO Services Company in Virginia and Richmond work accordingly. 

What are they?
The concept couldn’t be easier:  what we search according to certain nouns or verbs in form of expressions, terms are all to be considered key or targeted terms. Crawlers, the tiny bots who go around the internet indexing pages are also bound to memorize the pages. They could find and index with respect to a certain keyword the data of which is stored in hundreds and thousands of databases. It allows easy and quick access to their memory so that the data can be retrieved within a fragment of a second when someone is searching for a specific noun/verb.
The ranking system:
Every single term and combinations will be classified according to the popularity of their use. Today, there are tons of web pages that can help users or clients see if their business related keyword ranks and if it does, what exact nouns/verb, combinations, expressions are ranked the highest in the list. From optimization point of view the most popular a choice of term is, the more likely it is that a web content will be found. Of course today, classifying a content depends on more factors too, one of which is the data relevance as this is the very first data the crawlers will check, after finding a page based on the word.
Focusing of target words:
It’s not enough to find one popular combination of terms: you have to make sure you find combinations that will make the words unique to your own company or content. For instance „ White dog” can rank very high but it has nothing to do with your own business, therefore there is no guarantee you will profit all that much from it. But if you will specialize it as „ white dog collar” then it means you started to position the content in your direction. This can result in hundreds of variations (also called long tailed keywords) that help target a content to business activity.
The negative search:
This means certain combinations you do not want your keywords to be associated with. For instance the adjective „Free” before any term is generally placed in this category.  No business wants users find free products based on their page content as generating profit is the primary goal. 

I hope this has helped you understand more about these specific terms, verbs, nouns we all use during search. If you get in touch with pro SEO Services Company in Virginia and Richmond, they will be able to show you how exactly this works.

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