Thursday, 2 February 2017

Even if the rise of ecommerce took a tremendous place in today’s digital world, but nothing can beat an in-store shopping experience of customers. Apart from books or electronics and office stuffs, but majority of customers still give preference to shop from a physical store, according to the best ecommerce software for seo report.

The report, which surveyed stated clearly than more 1,400 consumers, revealed a surprising predictions regarding the growing significance of supply chains as well as future of retail.

Although people may prefer to shop from stores, there’s been a year-over-year increment in the frequency of online purchases since from the year 2014. Today, every third consumers tends to say that they shop online at least once in a week which is a 41 percent rise from past two years.

Improvements in the supply chain management are assisting fuel this growth, as customers demand at fast and reliable ways to buy and get items. With many ecommerce sites and third-party logistics providers allow the inventory management practices to improve better and fulfillment with delivery procedures, frequent online customers expect numerous amount of shipping options such as same-day delivery or overnight delivery.

The main advantage to from shop online today are they provide free shipping, one-day shipping as well as they supports free returns or refund policy. Nine in every ten consumers admit that free delivery make them more likely to shop from online.

Last holiday season, many shoppers around 76 percent plan to do their online shopping through their mobile phones or tablets as they offer more convenience. Websites like Amazon, Flipkart and eBay are considered the most popular sites, according to the shopping cart ranking. On an average, customers from both, online and in stores are expected to spend $908 on purchasing gifts for other alone this year, a $69 increase from the past year.  

Also it provides its customers with an amazing as well as fast ecommerce and the supply chain management have offer more consumers to purchase items and shop from in-store instead of online shopping. According to a report, more than Ninety-two percent of groceries are being buy from stores, followed by more than 77 percent of consumer packaged goods along with around 76 percent of clothing as well as fashion apparel. It doesn’t mean people are less interested in purchasing these items online shops, however. More than half of polled consumers have stated clearly they would be willing to buy their grocery shopping from online stores. More than a quarter of consumers say that they would buy online all other categories, starting from books to clothing to electronics.

Final Thoughts

Best ecommerce software for seo says that the physical as well as online shopping worlds will collide in the end, no matter what. Brick-and-mortar stores are starting to incorporate mobile technology to enhance their in-store experiences by providing discounts, coupons or loyalty rewards programs. The agency also says they will soon provide in-store ecommerce experience through virtual reality technology.

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