Thursday, 8 June 2017

Hunting for a job is one of the most tedious and stressful task, especially when you are a youngster. Looking for a job means looking for the financial stability, healthy livelihood and powerful career aspirations.

Reducing the stress while hunting for the job is not in your control, but looking at the major aspect which could help you to a great extend to get the job. One of the best factor is to get the high quality resume.

Making a resume, which will get you noticed means including the things that you must write or avoiding these common yet silly mistake, you will not only improve the quality of your resume, but also you will increase your chance to make your application reside on the top of stack.

#Mistake:1. Focusing on tasks, instead of achievements:

Don’t make the points bulleted for each of the job entry, so that it could be read as list of daily tasks. Rather, they should be focused on how those tasks impact on you.

seo tips for hotels says that while making your resume, make sure to cover up the basic things, like, what did you accomplish in every role? How your daily activity helps you to save money? How did you manage to boost productivity? How you can improve the customer satisfaction? Or how you can make the company better?

If you want to stand out differently from other customers, make sure to go beyond simply highlighting your task, and emphasise more on your achievement and tell them how you can prove as a valuable customer.

#Mistake:2. Poor formatting:

Poor formatting in your resume could detract it in a number of ways:

    Inconsistent font, spacing as well as formatting could express lack of attention to the details.

    Few of the large or small fonts could unusually annoy the reader.

    Huge amount of text in your resume could make it difficult for user to read and understand what has been written out there.

    The way you save your resume affect a lot to the reader. For instance, if you are mailing your resume, make sure you are saving it in PDF form, so that its formatting does not get affected when opened. Or if you are sending via ATS, save it by .txt or . doc extension.

#Mistake:3. Sharing your address:

In our earlier days, it was considered the standard to include the address at the top of your resume, but nowadays, it is no longer required.

In fact, in today’s world, sharing your address in your resume could hurt you. Let’s suppose, if you are sending your resume out of state, and you include your address, your resume might exclude the consideration. Therefore, it is been recommended by the top call tracking software to stick with your phone number and email address only.

You’ll be surprise when you get to know how many people got trapped into this. Avoiding these mistakes is simple as well as effective. But avoiding only these mistakes are not enough. In our next blog, we’ll show you other mistakes as well, which you must avoid, if you are hunting for  ajob. Stick to us, and we’ll be back soon!

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