Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Small Businesses really have suffered a lot about what people say to others. Here I am not talking only about the era of Internet, in fact, before the evolution of Internet also, what people said definitely affects the business, especially about the small businesses and if it is something negative then the whole efforts made to bloom the business goes into vain.
Coming to today, any customer can say anything about your business and the worst part is, not just the group of people but the entire world can read about that. One negative review from the customer and all your new business can get finished. Why talking about new business, even the well-established one can also come to an end, if it has not being careful to handle the negative reviews.

10seos’s research says that online reviews are as essential as oxygen!
May be you are pessimistic, in the sense, you ask-
  1. How much influential does the customer's reviews are?
  2. Is anyone even bothered to read them?

And how does the case when the reviews on your site is read only by those person who follows the latest trend or even by millennials?

If you thinks that way then you are absolutely wrong!
According to the survey conducted by 10seos, which is a leading reviewing agency, has found that more than 88 percent of the people who was surveyed accepted that they consult the reviews either occasionally or regularly!


So, so many people read online reviews. But the most essential thing to determine is do they really believe in those reviews?
Are those reviews actually influencing the purchasing decision of people?
You will be shocked to know that the answer to both the question is a big YES!


The key of your business is reviews of your customers
10seos has also asked people about which kind of business they are into. Here is the data what people said:


The key factor here is, if you have a restaurant and cafe, make sure to devote most of the efforts of your digital marketing strategy to implement the top Restaurant SEO tactics. Or if you have a Gym or sports club, ensure that nobody says bad because customers review is something which can even lock the door of your businesses.

Customer reviews don't influence only people!
Another most essential factor that reviews hold is they just don't influence people only but also determine where your business will be listed on search results.
There are plenty of sources available for search engines to find this. Here is a chart to describe you about the factors that influence local search marketing. And you will notice that the customer reviews hold the top fifth position as the top ranking factors.

But why does reviews are so important? What are the various factors of a review profile online:

  1. Review quality: the more reviews you get, the better result you will achieve. According to the studies made by 10seos, you need at least seven to ten reviews to let people trust you.
  2. Velocity of review: search engine determines how fast people are posting their reviews on your profile.
  3. Diversity of reviews: how many sites are actually posted their review for your site also determine the ranking of your site.
  4. How much reviews third party has posted
  5. The usage of keywords of the product or services in reviews

And then comes the negative reviews
Almost every site get one negative review at least for once. Here is how you can handle those negative reviews:

Ask people to give reviews on those sites which are related to your industry. Customer reviews hold equal value as similar as the the top Link Building strategies and efforts you have made to achieve higher ranking among Google. Google is more likely to trust those reviews that customer has leave on those site which are related to your industry. Make sure to ask your customers to leave one.

What are your reviews now?
This research made by 10seos has made it clear that how reviews from customer can affect the search result of your site on search engine result pages. Now do you think that you should invest more time to manage the online reviews from your customers or third part? Hope your answer is Yes!
If you have already get into the review program, do let us know whether it is helping your site to achieve higher ranking in search engine. Leave your comments, thoughts, views and problems in the comment section below!

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