Wednesday, 9 August 2017

A touch of humanization in a machine world is always welcomed by people. However, humanising your social media marketing or for that matter, any machine world is not that easy. It requires a significant amount of effort.

Humanising the social media marketing strategy is not something very commonly seen because people do not consider it to be of grave importance.

Best SEO companies that are working in social media marketing field for ages believe that trust quotient is the factor that has the major share in the online business including social media.audience should be engaged in a way that makes them feel connected with the brand apart from asking them for conversion.

Trust makes the customer connect with the brand for a long time. Logically engaging an old customer is far easier than attracting the new ones. Hence we bring to your 5 tips on how to increase engagement level of your customers by humanising your campaign.

Lets us begin!
1. Instil humour in your campaign

Humour has a magic in itself. When communicating with the audiences online, make sure that your content should have a sense of humour in it. By humour we don’t mean using silly jokes, we insist that your content should be funny, interesting and informative.  You can see the example of this Indian cafe that uses humour to increase engagement in their customers

2. Treat your brand as a character

For giving a human touch to your brand, you can use the human voice. One cannot tamper the brand logo and its name. However, you can introduce a mascot for the brand to introduce it in front of potential customers and increase their connection with the brand.

The best example of this is McDonald's. This brand carefully introduced a clown as the mascot for the brand to establish a connection with its customers. Consultants from top SEO agencies recommend that the first step towards this approach is to discover the best attributes of the character, its relevance with your business. After these are identified, you can create a character that can represent your brand and easily connect to your customers.

3. Use easy language

People follow brands on social media to be better informed and not for complicated business jargons. Your social media copy should be in the form of conversation that you do with your friends and family. This way customers get better connected with the brand easily.

4. Social media postings

Social media tools are a great way to handle the marketing efforts of a brand. One can easily use them to plan their post and set the timer accordingly. We recommend brands to answer their customers not by automated answers with some customization but with natural information. This will establish a better interaction. Remember your audience can easily identify an automated answer.

5. Ensure online and offline coordination

The online presence of a brand should always get synched with its offline presence. Like if you have formal sophisticated clothing brand, your offline store should also replicate the same. In terms of staff, brands should have people corresponding to the notion of the brand. If it is a funky brand, a dull and boring person is an absolute misfit. They cannot entice people by replicating the real message of the brand.

6. Try engaging conversation

Social media platform is best to establish a connection with the audiences by direct conversation. Apart from posting ads, brands should engage in some conversation with the customers. Your conversation can make them feel their importance for the brand, hence better conversion.

That’s it! There can be many another way to humanise your social media marketing strategies. If you want to add more. Write to us at the comment box.  
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