Monday, 11 April 2016

SEO experts are often hit with the suggestion that they should not be too technical with their clients while explaining SEO to them. There is no doubt to it, but that does not mean that you do not tell them the truth and break them free of the misconceptions; most of them have. Top 10 SEO Firms deal with their clients most sophistically and they tell them exactly what they want to hear, just with a little taste of truth. Let us see how you can also deal with your half-informed clients and show them the SEO from your vantage point.

SEO is a one time job!

Yes, many people still have these thoughts in mind and they think that once their website is among the top, the contract would come to an end and they will enjoy the perks for forever. Well, it is not their fault because many fake SEO firms assure them the same.

You have to tell them that SEO needs a considerable amount of time and the results are not stable. It requires continuous efforts, but that’s where you come in. Your company helps its clients throughout and you make sure that their website remains immune to Google updates.

SEO is one man/team Job!

Some people also come to you with the demands that they want their website to rank only, they do not want social media representation and they do not want PPC. So, they will ask you for individual packages. This situation is quite tricky.

At this moment of time, you have to make them understand that SEO is not a pie, it is a piece of a big pie which is incomplete without the rest of the pieces and you cannot have just one piece. For gaining the best benefits, analytics, social, marketing, creative, PPC and all the teams of the Company have to work in harmony. One strategy is useless without another backing it.

The content is king!

We are so over this line, that it has started to irritate us, but the client would use this line for sure. They think that more content means more pages, means more indexing and better chances of visibility.

You have to convince them by saying that a game cannot be won only with one King, all the pieces have to give their best. Promise to give them great content that is nowhere else on the internet, but at the same time, tell them the importance of teamwork.

The past is passed/Past cannot be corrected

You will get both the optimistic clients and pessimist clients. Some think that you cannot amend the past mistakes and a penalty is permanent. Some people think that once they regain their position, the past cannot hurt them.

Well, dealing with such clients is critical. Firstly, tell both of them that nothing is permanent. The past mistakes can be corrected and if they are not treated to the roots, they can come back to haunt. However, there is a ‘but’, tell them that you are one of the best because of a reason and that reason being perfection.

Social Representation and retargeting is everything!

Well, for some people, social media means the door to reach the masses. They want crazily active representation on social media and they want to engage the maximum number of audiences. At the same time, they want email targeting and ad-retargeting. These are the people who know something about SEO (but not everything).

Half-informed clients are more difficult than the uninformed ones. They sometimes have a shield of misconceptions that they are not ready to break. You have to convince them with the truth that Social representation is temporary while search rankings are better. Retargeting works only when you are visible on the internet. So being one of the best SEO Companies, you will employ your best tools to make the band popularity permanent and evident.

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