Tuesday, 17 May 2016

How many times did it happen to you? You are searching for something and then Google ‘suggests’ you something else. Without giving thoughts, you just follow the path that Google suggests you and forget what you came searching for. Here is such an example.

“When I was searching for the best acne cream, Google suggested me best acne treatment. So, I thought, it is better to find a simple home remedy to my acne problem than using some local cream. So, I went with Google and found out some great solutions for the same.”

What just happened here? A potential customer who actually wanted to buy a product; is distracted and didn’t go the path he was intended to. With all the intend-matching, Google sometimes ruins your chances of sales. Ignoring these Google auto-suggests, you can miss out on a great number of audiences.Top10 SEO companies online suggests that in order to direct the searchers to your website, you should rule these suggestions and make sure that your audiences come to you and not somewhere else.

What helps Google to autosuggest?

  1.     The popularity of the search i.e. when the number of searches for a keyword increases, it becomes a part of the auto search.
  2.     The geographical location of the searcher (local results are the part of autosuggest).
  3.     The search history of the user.

What can you do?

You cannot control what people search for, you cannot control the location of an individual but you can make sure that whatever may be the search related to the keywords that you are targeting; you have covered all the autosuggest results. Let us tell you in detail.

#1. As a first step, you have to search for the keywords that you are targeting, start writing and find out what Google is suggesting for these keywords. Sometimes, Google suggests keywords that include ‘alternatives’. That clearly means that Google is directing your audiences to your competition.

#2. Various tools are available which can help you to optimize the keyword strings, like; Serpstat and Bulk Suggest Tool. These tools can help you to understand the trends, the keywords that people are usually using to reach to a product. The search pattern and keywords change with time, so it is good to check them time-to-time to find out new possibility; or rather a new distraction.

#3. For the 4-5 auto-suggests, you have to develop a content and rank it among the top results. Try different variations of the keywords but make sure that you cover all of them not to lose your audiences.

#4. Make sure to localize your website. If you are operating in many cities, develop local landing pages and get them registered in local directories.

#5. For the keywords that are difficult to target, for e.g. the ones with the ‘alternatives’ tag, you can use PPC for such keywords to appear at the top of the page and chances are people who intended to search for you but got distracted; will click on the PPC ad because it was what they wanted at the first place.

#6. One great tactic that Moz has suggested is that; for ‘alternatives’ kind of suggests related to your branded keywords, you can develop a content with competitive analysis; an honest,  though. This would help not only your customers to come to you, you can get your competitor’s audience too.

So, concluding with a simple strategy; target all the search suggestions for the important keywords of your niche and buy the keywords for which you cannot write. You can take help from best SEO company online too. Some people also suggest sponsoring an event or launching a campaign to increase the popularity and get desired suggestions in the search list.

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