Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Internet is overflowing with a large number of websites dealing in Online business, digital marketing, SEO Companies, social media promotion and many others dealing in e-commerce websites.All these websites have a huge number of followers following them frequently. It is same in case of all kinds of websites mentioned above. This is categorized on the basis of interests of the targeted people.

Similarly, to get traffic on your website, you need to curate your e-commerce blogs. You have to put in all your efforts to get the best content for your website, which not only generates a huge amount of traffic but also help you to retain that traffic. To raise standard of your website it is essential to have a mind blowing content on your website, which should be a lot impressive and interesting for the readers to read.

The mere presence of blog on your website will not do anything, until and unless it has an appealing content posted on it. The importance of having a blog on your website is to flex your authority within your industry and give users a reason to “want to read what you post”.

In a study, it was found that, “the more you populate your blog with interesting and valuable content,  the more people are drawn to read those blogs and to give you their business”. You need to consider only few practices to make your Ecommerce blog appealing and worth read:

Focus on content with utility.
It is quite important to focus upon the utility of the content you going to publish on your website. The blog post must have useful and appealing content which your target audience and customers find interesting and appropriate to read.

By uploading a useful content, you give your readers a reason to come and use your website as a resource to their queries. As a starter , you must try to write tutorials, how-to articles, and other ideas relevant to your industry, so as to establish information based relationship with the users.

Produce interactive content.
Your blog post must be interactive in nature. That means every blog post of yours must be polished in terms of writing, must be clear, and proofread before uploading. This all does’nt been that it should be formal. 
One great way to make your blog approachable and casual for users is to post interactive content that’s based on their participation. Content forms such as polls and quizzes are often received well by site visitors and garner participation, and you can squeeze a lot of SEO points from the attention.

Interactive content is highly shareable and will perform well across your social media platforms.

Add compelling visuals.
Visuals grab the full attention of the readers towards the blog post. If a blog post is started with a fascinating visual, it takes up the full blog post with it. It means if a visual is engaging, the reader will engage in reading the blog with full interest and try to understand the content.  Whereas if the video is opposite, everything becomes opposite.

On a basic level, you should always use clear, high quality images that are directly related to what you’re posting and explained or captioned in some way. Use visuals to enhance what is already there, and be deliberate and purposeful in how you use them. The last thing you want is a cluttered page of images lacking in flow and relevance.

Share your expertise.
Your blog should showcase your expertise of your industry and business. Share your knowledge, insights, views and reviews about anything, in a manner to grab the trust and respect of each and every user who go through that blog.

Part of sharing your expertise can include sharing the relationships you’ve made as an industry authority, so don’t be afraid to feature other business owners/experts on your blog. It will upload the positive way your audience sees you and add a dynamic appeal to your blog.

 Make everything shareable.

Whatever you post on your website must be either have a link shared at the end or must be shareable, so as to increase and encourage user participation. For this purpose you must make full use social media tactics to promote your brand and the content posted on it. It also gives your blog a complete, professional look that further emphasizes your authority and trust factors.

These practices are considered by the Top 10 SEO Companies and Agencies  to raise their brand’s visibility in Google’s Search Engine Result Pages.

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