Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Automation plays an important role in overcoming  the burden on social media managers and entrepreneurs. According to SEO company Adelaide the process of  automating things and enhancing their presence on Twitter and other social platforms has helped the marketers and managers in a very easy way. Automaton has given various tools to enhance the social media platform of Twitter.

Although automation is helping businesses go places but on the other it is causing some harms too:

1. It seems as if there are no humans:

Personality drives social engagement and you can recognize that whether it is human or robot by looking at that imperfect grammar, and occasional types. If there are imperfections then  they look like they were made by a human who composed the tweet. So many automated tweets, can sound like a robot, especially if your tweets were written for some casual conversation. followers can usually find out. They analyse that there is a robot behind the actual conversation.

2.PR Problems:

When your tweets are automated you schedule a tweet for a particular time and you don’t know what’s going to be trending at that hour. If there happens to be a tragic story trending, and your tweet is funny then you will obviously spoil your reputation and people will start criticising you. This will harm your brand.

3.Lack of response:

It happens in automation that someone responds to your automated tweet. He can congratulate you, ask a question, or point out a broken link in the tweet but you do not respond  and there is because, it’s a program posting for you, and you cannot reply to their tweets. This creates an awkward situation because your customers think that your are indifferent to their thoughts and suggestions.

4.Your company’s reputation can be harmed:

According to SEO services Brisbane automated tweets and businesses give people the impression that they are online all the time, encouraging customers to engage with them. But If there is no response, customers feel they are being ignored. The more worse situation would be for a customer query that has not been acknowledged and then there are other tweets following it. This practice might harm your company’s reputation.

5. You leave the critical remarks like that:

Critical remarks here means that those criticism, and comments on your brand. Mostly brands do not respond to it and leave them undressed. This also harms the reputation of the companies. This mode seems as if you want to say that there is no conversation related to trolls and criticism.

6.Automated follow backs can be detrimental:

Automation does not practice any discretion. Just selecting selecting certain keywords and setting up tweets that contain those words, or even posts made by certain people, can lead to some disrespectful matter.
Auto following back spams or individuals with suspicious records doesn’t serve you better. Also, Twitter limits the amount of accounts you can follow. So you will never like to waste that in useless accounts.

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