Monday, 4 July 2016

There is a fine line exists between good entrepreneurship and good con skills.
It goes without saying that entrepreneurs have a magic way of building something out of nothing.
Sadly the various character traits that should exist in the nature of a great entrepreneur if not given a proper care also can raise red flags with those that matter most: partners, investors, workers and most significantly, customers.

This is what we have learnt by looking at the Leonardo Di Caprio's portrayal of scam-artist broker Jordan Belfort in "The Wolf of Wall Street. Even when he was completely efficient in building his empire, he crossed several lines that catapulted him into the con class -- taking several others down with him.

Even without knowing you may sometimes end up participating in behaviors that will negatively impact business, to not mention the people behind it.

So how can you avoid being a wolf in a businessmen's attire?

I asked an array of outstanding professionals from Best SEO Companies in Ajman about their insight on being a morally justified entrepreneur. Here their list of do’s and don’ts for staying on the “great entrepreneur” facet of the road.

Don’t be devious.
Always look folks within the eye after you answer, don’t be ‘shifty’. Being honest and easy with communications is another important point here. For us, it’s some way of operation that builds trust.

Do be sympathetic.
Lack of sympathy has recently been on cringe-worthy show among young school CEOs and programmers. It is a deadly flaw for founders who need to make merchandise that individuals truly purchase. If you cannot sympathize with users and their issues, then others can -- to their success and your failure.

Do take the blame 1st and therefore the credit last.
Projecting blame on others or on external factors like markets or ‘luck’, and claiming most of the credit and therefore the rewards [equity] that go with it, may be fatal. Great entrepreneurs settle for the bulk of the blame 1st, take the credit last, and ensure their team participates within the success and its rewards.

Don’t have arms longer than your pocket’s depth.
Taking a monetary risk and cash from people even if you are unsure that you'll deliver on a promise could be a temptation for entrepreneurs throughout early-stage growth.
But instead of practicing this, create a habit to not over promise. Instead, select to line up realistic expectations direct regarding services you can really deliver.
As a businessman, generally, your arms may be longer than your pockets are and the prospect of cashing in may be tempting. But take care to not risk your name for a small score. It simply could price you a lot of within the finish.

Do dream massive.
At some purpose, your vision needs to be met with reality. A current trip to no-progress-land erodes trust each internally and outwardly. Your workers can bail or your customers can jump ship. But the unhealthy habit of forever sugar-coating unhealthy news will cause the extremes of canopy ups and outright lies.

In the end, professionals from the Best SEO Companies in Ajman sums it up nicely, “Sell your vision. Dream as big as possible. However do not lie."

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