Thursday, 19 May 2016

We know that a content should be engaging in order to get audience’s attention and Google’s rewards (in the form of rank improvement). We often talk about images, infographics, videos, and even online presentations but not about roundup posts.

Roundup posts may be quizzes or fact sheet such that people would keep on reading one page after another because quitting becomes very hard. Let us see why according to the SEO service San Francisco, these roundup posts are engaging. We will also talk about how you can develop roundup blog posts for your blog.

What makes Roundup posts engaging?

    People like to kill time and the roundup posts provide an excellent opportunity to gather knowledge keeping the things light. Some people do not know when it is the right time to stop using the internet and go to sleep, for such people roundup posts are pretty engaging.

    Roundup posts feed the curiosity of people and they cannot help clicking and clicking again. Every new information presents a link to the next content and that makes readers think that reading the next post is essential, pretty much life and death matter (maybe we went a little overboard but you get the point, right?).

    Roundups are well oriented, the data or questions are well organized such that reading is easy and fast. If you do not want to read a page or its content, you can easily move on to the next page.

    Some websites post these roundup posts for their sponsors. It is the quickest method to gain audiences attention and get rewards from sponsors. They can also be used to market your own products. Make a quiz asking your audiences if they have a vision problem and then based on the score, offer them your quality eye care solutions.

How to develop a roundup post

    Decide the type of the post: The roundup posts can be demonstrating ‘top 10’ of some things, tips, solutions, quiz, best of, etc. Adopt the best format for your roundup and make sure that the topic is trending and interesting.

    Get your content strategy together: The next step is to write a content. When you are using quiz format, you can draft your own content but when you are writing ‘top 10’ post, you have to collect the data from a reliable source. If your posts are based on the personal experience, it is better. You can also use social media to take the inspiration. Just look around you. Many people should be asking questions from you, create an answer in the form of a roundup. Visit Q&A platforms to know what are real reader’s requirements and problems. Write what has previously worked for your audiences. With the tried and tested methods, the chances of failure are negligible.

    Carve out the format: The next step is to know how you are going to represent that roundup. Texts are not the only way. You can use images to explain too. If you are writing posts like ‘best-dressed celebrities in certain award function’, then images are the only way to get attention. Gifs and memes are pretty good for roundups.

    Know your promotion strategy: After you are ready with the content, you have to find ways to make it visible on the internet. Do what you do for your other content. If you already have a great following, posting on your blog is sufficient. Social media, however, is the best platform to ensure the publicity. You can send outreach emails to let people know that you have roundup posts on your blog. St Louis SEO agency sends emails to people who have previously shown interest in this kind of content.

So, all you have to do is get started because you know too; you have spent hours in reading one roundup after another and they are really worth it.


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